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Energy and environment think forum 

The future of energy tariffs: will the Government price cap help or hinder UK households from getting a better deal?

Bright Blue’s think forums are run by our members and are spaces for those on the centre-right and beyond to come together to hear expert speakers and discuss policy after work at the pub.

Consumers have long complained that energy prices from the UK's Big 6 suppliers 'go up like a rocket and down like a feather', as well as penalising those on lower incomes. We will be considering how true this claim is and whether the Government's proposed energy cap is likely to provide a better deal for consumers than the current range of tariffs. The Forum Chair will be Bright Blue member, Dan Watkins, who has worked in the energy sector for ten years and is a former Parliamentary Candidate.

We welcome to the Forum guest speakers Nick Perry and Charlie Makin. Nick worked in commercial roles in the oil and gas industry for many years before joining Enron as a UK Board Director, responsible among other things for the Teesside gas-fired power station. More recently, Nick has been an independent consultant, engaged by many of Europe's largest energy suppliers, advising them on energy procurement and risk management. Following roles at Ofgem and DECC, Charlie has been at the front-line of the residential energy market, working in public and external affairs at Good Energy, one of the UK's fastest growing renewable energy suppliers. His experience covers energy policy, renewables and carbon pricing.

Date: Thursday 18th January 2018, 19.00 - 20.30.

Venue: Rose & Crown (upstairs), Columbo Street, Blackfriars, London, SE1 8DP

RSVP: Here


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